YES! Only four days left before presents are in need.
I´m pretty much done with mine, last things will be completed on Monday.
Two tips for last minute buys/wishlists:

This is by far the best cartoon i´ve read since discovering Calvin and Hobbes some years ago.
It has great characters, great writing and above all a unique and fresh art style.
The watercolors look fantastic and everything feels just right about this book.
Buy it for yourself or for anyone with a love for comic strips or good entertainment.
Highly recommended! GUS AND HIS GANG
Another comic, this time from France.
Also an absolute highlight but maybe more for someone in love with the medium.
Chris Blaine does some very smart things with his storytelling and his art style is loose and fun.
The english version is a bit to small in print for my taste, but its not very expensive and from one of the most interesting comic creators out there.