Up until now, 13 Movies have been watched and ive still got two more days and enough chocolate to go some more rounds.
The list as it is now:
- Marie Antoinette (great soundtrack)
- Bad Santa (great lauren graham!)
- Mi3 (was better the first time in the theater, still fun though)
- I am legend (stupid ending, good first half, bad cgi)
- The Bourne Ultimatum (great editing and fight/stunt choreography)
- 30 days of night (good premise, stupid stupid STUPID vampires)
- ONCE (the most humble story about love and art ive seen in years)
- Children of men (made me like clive owen)
- Before the devil knows your dead (great acting by PS Hoffman and Hawke)
- Rocky Balboa (got everything right that was good about the first two, glad i got the dvd for christmas!)
- Sin City (still good the second time)
- Total Recall (have not watched it in years, i understand now why sharon stone was considered hot back then)
- No Country for old man (the best in this small list of films, going to watch it again as soon as possible)

Oh, i also went swimming this morning and was surprised at how hard it is to NOT drown.
I may stick to jogging.