Friday, December 28, 2007


Ive nearly spend every day/night of this years holidays in the theater/in front of the tv at home.
Up until now, 13 Movies have been watched and ive still got two more days and enough chocolate to go some more rounds.

The list as it is now:
- Marie Antoinette (great soundtrack)
- Bad Santa (great lauren graham!)
- Mi3 (was better the first time in the theater, still fun though)
- I am legend (stupid ending, good first half, bad cgi)
- The Bourne Ultimatum (great editing and fight/stunt choreography)
- 30 days of night (good premise, stupid stupid STUPID vampires)
- ONCE (the most humble story about love and art ive seen in years)
- Children of men (made me like clive owen)
- Before the devil knows your dead (great acting by PS Hoffman and Hawke)
- Rocky Balboa (got everything right that was good about the first two, glad i got the dvd for christmas!)
- Sin City (still good the second time)
- Total Recall (have not watched it in years, i understand now why sharon stone was considered hot back then)
- No Country for old man (the best in this small list of films, going to watch it again as soon as possible)

Oh, i also went swimming this morning and was surprised at how hard it is to NOT drown.
I may stick to jogging.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007


I was lucky enough to spend some days in London,
the blurry pictures are made by me, the great ones are in courtesy of my travel companion .

Monday, December 10, 2007

currently listening to:
THE DEARS_NO Cities left
RED SPAROWES_At the soundless dawn

Sunday, December 2, 2007


My life is pretty dull at the moment.
I´m reading books, go to work, listen
to music on the train and paint at home
(with some DS playing pauses).

I don't even watch that much movies/tv right now.

In the above order, recommended things: