i dont really understand this. ive been watching this show, the entire first season, in less than 4 days and i m now full into the second one. i repeat: the entire season in just a couple of days.. of the west wing... a show about the American political system.
In the wind, in the yoke, my ride will go. Central, remote, any further and I'll know. Pressing matters bear. Through trials and time, I keep my feet right in line for flight so we never recognize. Pressing matters bear, anable wear and tear on you, tear on you. Remind me. Tear on you, wear on you.
the new sketchbook works like a charm although its not a REAL moleskine but a well made chinese copy of one. the paper is a bit thicker, has a white tone and the cover is made out of some kind of velvet. im looking forward to paint on this, never tried acrylics on such a weird medium.
i havent had the time to scan, so here comes an old batch of pictures
update! i managed to spend nearly all my money on books (amazon) and useless stuff (IKEA) and im broke again. this is not unusual but as the "messy" sketchbook is getting nearly filled.. having not enough money to choose my next SB without thinking about the price is horror. hehe, these "problems" seem really ridiculous when thinking about it. AND THEY ARE!