Saturday, March 7, 2009

Storytelling at its purest and coolest form

Telling a good story is hard and must be terrifying in front of judges and a crowd.
Jeff Simmermon does it with ease and his adventure is romantic and makes everyone go "AND THEN?".
So please take 5 Minutes and enjoy:

I've been performing at The Moth, a spoken word/storytelling non-profit with arms in NYC and LA. Essentially, folks perform a 5-minute story (without reading or notes) based on a theme. It's rated like figure-skating -- with teams of judges awarding scores like "9.5" or "8.0". They have the second-largest podcast on iTunes right now, too.

So anyway -- in 2003, I met a woman online. She was from Western Australia, I was living in Richmond, VA. I ended up selling all my stuff and flying over there to meet her in person. Here's the story.



Anonymous said...

Sehr cooler Typ, ich werd den Link auch an Conor und Kris weiterleiten... :)

Dominic Philibert said...

Love the sketches below!!!!!!

BambinoMonkey said...

Thanks for your comments man!im very honoured,youre very talented!!