Wednesday, March 25, 2009


Yes, i´m moving from blogger to my own URL

Please update your RSS there and make a bookmark.
The new site is still not finished but it feels nice to have a "real" website for once.

So, jump in and follow me to my new home, drinks and little weird foodthings are on me!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Quick and dirty comics

Had some fun this week and made comics about it.
Due to other things, these did not turn into something really shiny and great to look at (or into something with a real punchline), but i wanted to post them anyway.

This happend while trying to write at a starbucks:

This happend while trying to run at the park:
And this is for the german listeners only, i tried but failed to translate the joke:

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Moleskine sketch, links and Murakami

I wanted to post interesting links so i had to scan something.
Its a bit sad that my scanner is the cheapest piece of plastic on earth, not able to scan a Moleskine page without making the slight yellow tint on the page look funky.
To battle this, i had to turn it into black and white. I hope its still a enjoyable sight!

But lets get down to it!
- Deforgeo makes a borderless comic
- Louis made stickers!
- incredible giraffes by Andrew Shek

Other than that, i started reading BLIND WILLOW, SLEEPING WOMAN by Mr.Murakami and i really like it so far. I felt a bit boring to buy ANOTHER Murakami novel but what the hell, his story's have never disappointed and i like the mood his words put me in.
I'm really thinking about doing some drawings based on my favorite books from him.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Storytelling at its purest and coolest form

Telling a good story is hard and must be terrifying in front of judges and a crowd.
Jeff Simmermon does it with ease and his adventure is romantic and makes everyone go "AND THEN?".
So please take 5 Minutes and enjoy:

I've been performing at The Moth, a spoken word/storytelling non-profit with arms in NYC and LA. Essentially, folks perform a 5-minute story (without reading or notes) based on a theme. It's rated like figure-skating -- with teams of judges awarding scores like "9.5" or "8.0". They have the second-largest podcast on iTunes right now, too.

So anyway -- in 2003, I met a woman online. She was from Western Australia, I was living in Richmond, VA. I ended up selling all my stuff and flying over there to meet her in person. Here's the story.


Thursday, March 5, 2009

Something watchable for once!

This series is GOING PLACES!
The trailer:

and two scenes from it

Highly recommended!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Adventures in the pool and links

So i kinda think that my endurance sucks and that my sparring sessions are not as much fun as they should be.
To fight this, swimming seems like something worthwhile doing and so i went!
And then this happend:

After this sexy stuff, links:
- Vincent Hui draws
- Abe stands (great Flickr by the way)
- Clothes and Folds made easy
- and some more bathing stuff at the end of this post

Monday, March 2, 2009

small moleskine + train = a sketch!

This is pretty much everything i do while traveling to work at the moment.
I sketch, i listen to podcasts and then i close my eyes.
I usually fall asleep for about 5 seconds and realize then that my mouth opened magically.
THEN i get embarrassed and i start sketching again.
Get bored (or someone makes too much eye contact) and the eyes close again. Repeat for about 40 minutes and i have arrived!